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Firmensitz : 29 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 NEYRON (Lyon) Frankreich


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Mail : 3P design SA, 29 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 NEYRON (Lyon) France
Telefon : au +33 (0) 4 72 01 10 13
Fax : au +33 (0) 4 72 01 10 08


Design, Grafik Design, technische Entwicklung : La République du Clic.

Design, Grafik Design, technische Entwicklung

La République du Clic - Batiment "Mercure", 470 Route du Tilleul - 69270 Cailloux-sur-Fontaines - Frankreich.


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This site constitutes a work of which troisdecoeur is the author within the meaning of articles L 111.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The photographs, texts, logos, pictograms and all works included in the site are the property of 3P design SA or third parties that have authorized 3P design SA to use them. Copies, transmissions, modifications, re-uses in any media of the aforesaid site and works which are reproduced on it are only authorized for personal and private use within the meaning of article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code. All copies made in this context must clearly indicate the source and the author of the site and/or these multimedia works. Such copies do not prejudice the rights of third parties. Whole or partial copying, transmission, modification and/or re-use of the site for advertising, commercial or informational purposes is completely prohibited.

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The data bases are protected by the French law dated July 1, 1998 and French copyright law.

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